Pelješac is known as the empire of wine and as a supplement to the concept of rural development in 2019, the First Croatian Museum of Viticulture and Enology was opened in Putniković. Putniković, a small place in the heart of rocky Pelješas, his residents has lived on vines and wine for centuries. After the Homeland War, tourism gradually developed.
The combination of original (vine and wine) and newer values (tourism) is an ideal combination that fits into the project of Rural Development of the Republic of Croatia. The agricultural cooperative Putniković, whose founders and owners are families from Putnikovići and surrounding places, was founded back in 1911 and has been operating successfully so far in the belief that new facilities, such as investment in new production facilities and the opening of the First Croatian Museum of Viticulture and Enology , gives an additional incentive that enables the life and work of many young families who have decided to continue living on Pelješac.
It is a unique example in Croatia and perhaps in the world, that one association opens a museum. More than ten years passed from the idea to the realization, but the effort paid off.
The first Croatian museum of viticulture and winemaking covers more than 800 square meters and consists of three collections - the "House of Wine Tradition", "The Historical Development of the Vine in this area" and "Wines in the Tradition of Living". Among other things visitors will discover what role wine played in rural and civic communities, what labels looked like, who were famous winegrowers and winemakers, how the land was cultivated, what tools were used, what customs were related to wine etc.
Putnikovići 14
20248 Putniković
Web page:
Phone number:
+385 (0)20 756 202
+385 (0)20 756 201
Mobile phone:+3859 (0)98 244845
GPS cordinates:
N 42°52'19.912"
E 17°31'34.175"
N 42°52.331'
E 17°31.569'